one pagers pdf
You can't hand someone a website, so i've designed many one pagers to supplement my employer's face-to-face sales and marketing initiatives. here are some examples:

print mailer pdf
Direct mail is not the valuable marketing tool it once was, but it does still play a usefule role in a multi-prong marketing campaign. this mailer landed my employer at least 2 new clients (more than paying for the postage):

case studies pdf
Telling a prospective client what you can do for them is only as effective as their trust in you. Demonstrating success with client feedback creates a much more compelling story. Couple that story with a strong visual style that identifies with your brand, and you have a very powerful marketing document... like this one I designed for my employer:

find more case studies on their website (i designed and built that, too).
articles pdf
Publishing content relevant to your industry is an indispensible cross-marketing tool. My employer's president is an avid writer, so I designed a branded layout for his self-published articles:

find more articles on their website (i designed and built that, too).